
Branchen IT-Lösungen München

Our network and cyber security solutions for every industry

Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt von aeroaccess, Ihrem zuverlässigen Partner für maßgeschneiderte Managed Services. Unser breit gefächertes Leistungsspektrum erstreckt sich über verschiedene Branchen und bietet ganzheitliche Netzwerk- und Cybersecurity-Lösungen. Mit einem hochqualifizierten Team an Ihrer Seite steigern wir nicht nur die Effizienz Ihrer IT-Infrastruktur, sondern setzen auch höchste Standards in puncto Sicherheit. Von der individuellen Beratung bis zur langfristigen Betreuung gestaltet aeroaccess die Zukunft Ihrer digitalen Prozesse durch verlässliche Managed Services.

Individual solutions for every industry


Our healthcare IT solutions optimize patient care and increase the efficiency of clinical processes to ensure advanced and patient-centric care.


With innovative IT solutions, we are shaping the future of transport, optimizing logistics processes and ensuring seamless networking in the transport industry.


Our IT solutions in the education sector create a modern learning environment and support educators in providing high-quality educational services for an innovative learning environment.


Industrial IT solutions increase productivity, promote efficiency and contribute to the digital transformation in the manufacturing industry to create competitive advantages.

Hotels and restaurants

We offer innovative IT solutions for the hotel and catering industry to create first-class guest experiences while efficiently optimizing operational processes.


Our retail solutions optimize business processes, increase customer satisfaction and promote your brand's digital presence in an ever-changing market environment.

Towns and municipalities

With advanced IT solutions, we support cities and municipalities in their digital transformation to create a smart and connected future for citizens.

Public authorities

Our IT solutions for public authorities improve the efficiency of administrative processes and promote digital innovation in the public sector to meet the needs of citizens.

Financial services

In the financial sector, we offer customized IT solutions that promote security, efficiency and innovation to provide your customers with a modern and reliable service.

Discover the Opportunities with Aeroaccess

15 years of expertise: Customized IT solutions and security for your industry

With over 15 years of experience, we are your trusted partner for comprehensive IT solutions and IT security in various industries. Our expertise spans a wide range of sectors and we offer customized solutions tailored to your specific requirements. Rely on our experience to optimize your IT infrastructure and ensure the highest security standards.

Do you already use an IT solution?

Let's have a free consultation to find out how Aeroaccess can help you. With our in-depth experience, we are convinced that we can make a valuable contribution to your industry. Trust Aeroaccess to shape the digital future of your healthcare organization.