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Worldwide authentication solution - 50,000+ end devices

Authentication solution for more than 50,000 end devices

The BYOD trend (Bring Your Own Device) is also of crucial importance for the customers of the system house aeroaccess. Leading DAX companies in Germany in particular, which have large and in some cases widely branched networks, rely on the mobile enterprise solutions of this expert. Recently, aeroaccess implemented guest access authentication as a global service that is controlled via a central configuration and central management via data centers in Europe, Asia and America. The fully redundant network comprises more than 50,000 clients and processes more than one and a half million authentication requests every day.
With the growing BYOD trend (Bring Your Own Device), more and more employees are using their private smartphones, tablets or notebooks for work purposes. This presents companies with the challenge of fundamentally adapting their corporate IT in order to protect their networks from unauthorized access. One concrete solution is to introduce centralized management for end devices and applications and integrate them seamlessly into company processes.

Separate employee and guest access

In a recent project with an international company, aeroaccess successfully implemented this objective. The challenge was to create a solution that could manage more than 50,000 clients, including both company-owned and guest devices. The company attached particular importance to a strict separation of guest access and internal employee authentication for security reasons. In addition, the system was to be configured uniformly worldwide and redundantly connected to the Active Directories in Europe, Asia and America. To minimize the impact of a hardware failure, a failover mechanism was implemented and a hardware service was set up for the devices in all three regions.

Central control with cluster formation

Aeroaccess solved the problem by implementing Aruba Networks ClearPass. This BYOD solution is used both for internal company authentication and for setting up guest access. All Aruba WLAN controllers use ClearPass as an AAA server to enable both authentication against the Active Directory for employees and the provision of the captive portal for guest access.

Failover across all data centers

The solution is divided into three zone clusters for worldwide use, while at the same time creating a comprehensive overall cluster with synchronization of the configurations. The integration of the two Active Directories is ensured via various user policies. In terms of reliability, local HA clusters per solution/location ensure enhanced security. In addition, failover across all three data centers ensures comprehensive operational security. The authentication solution enables employees to identify themselves with company-owned or private WLAN clients as well as guests in the global company WLAN. The interface for guest registration is also available in the corporate identity design. The system currently manages up to 1,540,000 authentication requests every day.

"It is essential for organizations and companies to make effective use of both internal and external resources to achieve their goals," explains Thomas Rödel, Managing Director of aeroaccess GmbH. "To this end, it must be possible to provide employees, guests, service providers, suppliers and customers with sufficient and secure network access - without restricting access more than necessary. At the same time, all internal and external information security requirements must be taken into account, such as the protection of confidential company data on a global level. The use of professionals was also essential for this project due to the different legal requirements."


Aeroaccess GmbH was founded in 2008 with the clear objective of providing mobile indoor and outdoor communication solutions to users worldwide as a medium-sized system house. In our continuous development, we have specialized in new and future-oriented technologies, which increasingly requires full-service models from our customers.

Our comprehensive range of services extends from planning, global logistics, implementation and management to on-site maintenance and support. We act not only as a solution provider, but also as a leasing partner. We currently support more than 300,000 users in over 175 countries in the use of mobile solutions.

Dabei legen wir verstärkten Fokus auf durchgreifende Endanwendungen, um unseren Kunden erweiterte Funktionen sowohl auf Anwender- als auch Betreiber-Ebene bieten zu können. Die Integration von künstlicher Intelligenz und offenen APIs ermöglicht es uns, Ausfallzeiten zu minimieren und den Personaleinsatz zu reduzieren.

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