Edge computing: the future of network performance


In a world dominated by real-time communication and rapid data exchange Edge computing is playing a key role in shaping the future of network performance. Here we take a look at this innovative technology and its impact:

Real-time processing and low latency times:

Edge computing brings computing power closer to the location of the data source, which significantly reduces latency times. This is crucial for applications that require quick decisions, such as autonomous vehicles or augmented reality.

Relief of central servers:

Traditional cloud infrastructures rely on centralized servers, which can lead to bottlenecks and latency. Edge computing allows data to be processed and stored locally, reducing the load on central servers and improving overall network performance.

Scalability and flexibility:

Scalability is improved by distributing computing power to edge devices. Companies can flexibly adapt their network performance and respond to the requirements of different locations or applications.

Security and data protection:

Edge computing helps to minimize security risks as data is processed locally without being transmitted across the entire network. This is particularly relevant for applications that process sensitive information, such as in healthcare or industry.

Optimization of bandwidth usage:

Local data processing allows bandwidth capacities to be used more efficiently. This is particularly important in environments with limited bandwidth, as unnecessary data transfers are reduced.

Aeroaccess is driving the future of network performance with edge computing. The integration of this technology enables organizations to increase the efficiency of their networks and develop innovative applications based on low latency and fast data processing. Learn more about how Aeroaccess sees edge computing as the key to the future of network performance and is continuously driving innovative solutions.

About aeroaccess: 

aeroaccess is a medium-sized, technology and service-oriented system house for mobile communication. With our extensive portfolio of network, security and analysis software, we create solutions for large corporations and SMEs alike.


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Info Detail

Since its foundation, aeroaccess GmbH has been an internationally oriented and customer-focused company.

Worldwide service: 175 countries
Solution: Everything from one source
Experience: 15 years
Certified: By market-leading manufacturers such as HPE, Aruba, Fortinet, Juniper

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