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DHBW - Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University
DHBW brings their WLAN to high-speed level with Aruba
Aeroaccess GmbH was founded in 2008 with the clear objective of providing mobile indoor and outdoor communication solutions to users worldwide as a medium-sized system house. In our continuous development, we have specialized in new and future-oriented technologies, which increasingly requires full-service models from our customers.
Our comprehensive range of services extends from planning, global logistics, implementation and management to on-site maintenance and support. We act not only as a solution provider, but also as a leasing partner. We currently support more than 300,000 users in over 175 countries in the use of mobile solutions.
Dabei legen wir verstärkten Fokus auf durchgreifende Endanwendungen, um unseren Kunden erweiterte Funktionen sowohl auf Anwender- als auch Betreiber-Ebene bieten zu können. Die Integration von künstlicher Intelligenz und offenen APIs ermöglicht es uns, Ausfallzeiten zu minimieren und den Personaleinsatz zu reduzieren.